In this interview, I was able to catch up with Ryan "The Archangel" Darnell and Chris Lee Faulkenberry of the U.S. based "Power Metal" band True Strength to ask them a few questions about their album 'The Mighty Hand of Yahweh'.
(Jacob) It's so good to finally be having this interview with your band:
(Ryan) First and foremost, a big 'thank you' to you Jacob for this interview! We appreciate the opportunity to speak to all your awesome readers here on Christian Molten Metal!
(Chris) Yes, thank you Jacob for allowing us to do this interview with you! It is our pleasure.
(Jacob) So, can you give us some insight into what got you involved in the music industry and what is the ultimate purpose of the band?
(Ryan) I have been playing professionally since 2001, I got into the music industry for all of the wrong reasons: for women, fame and fortune. My first major band was quite accomplished and had a solid run from 2002 through 2007. But by 2007, I was a complete mess and pretty much at the end of the line... Realizing how many people I had hurt both friends and family, I was going to commit suicide... but God had other plans! I came to Christ in late-Summer, early-Fall 2007 which caused me to quit that band, believing at the time that it was a major source of sin for me. I didn’t play guitar or write songs again for several years. I discovered a lot of Christian metal during these years and I began entertaining the idea of playing and writing music again. Chris Clark, the co-founder, and former drummer of True Strength encouraged me to form a Christian metal band with him, along with encouragement from family and friends, we formed True Strength in October of 2012. The ultimate purpose of True Strength is to Spread the Gospel, Honor God and donate all our portion of the sales of our albums to charity.
(Chris) I've been playing drums now for over 35 years, I also played the saxophone for around 10 years, What struck my interest in music was my Mother, she constantly listened to music all throughout the day, she had purchased me a set of Bongo's at the age of 5, I guess you could say that I've been pounding the skins ever since, there was a brief time that I did put away my sticks, but the feeling of playing music in my body and soul just never subsided. I had to get back in the game. For any musician I'm sure they can relate to what I'm talking about. I truly believe that music heals the soul. Playing live was such a soulful experience, I was hooked! The ultimate purpose of True Strength is serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If we can get the message out to even one person struggling or not struggling, we have served our purpose. There is nothing more satisfying than to get a letter or message from one our fans, letting us know that they have been touched through our music.
(Jacob) Who was the founding member(s) and when did the band officially form?
(Ryan) The founding members of True Strength was myself and former drummer Chris Clark; the band officially formed in 2012.
(Chris) I started with True Strength in late 2019, I couldn't be in a better place with True Strength. It truly feels like family for me.
(Jacob) Can you shed some light on where your band's name came from and what is the meaning behind it?
(Ryan) True Strength's name originates from Psalm 118:14 "The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
(Jacob) What brand of instruments do you all use and why do you prefer that specific brand over another?
(Ryan) I currently play a custom Jackson Dinky 6-string guitar that I used to record on the "Sanguinary Vivification" and "The Mighty Hand of Yahweh" albums. I have used the same Ibanez 4-string bass since the beginning of the band, as well as Jackson 5-string basses. On "The Cross Will Always Prevail" I used a B.C. Rich Warlock 6-string guitar, on "Steel Evangelist" I used a Davison Explorer 6-string guitar. For me, I don't really prefer one brand of instrument over another, I just look for how well the instrument feels (good neck, intonation, weight, frets etc.) as well as tone (pickups). I have always used heavier gauged strings and guitar picks.
(Chris) My sticks are produced by Clayton USA. They are 5A custom sticks that are durable yet lightweight for faster response. I generally use Gretsch Drums Catalina Club 7 piece. Evans EC2 coated drumheads. Evans EC Reverse Dot Snare head. Sabian AAX cymbals. Pearl Export Series 12 piece in the studio. Tama Superstar 7 piece for touring, Ludwig Element 5 piece for practice. DW 7000 Bass drum pedals, Girbralter hardware for stands. I tend to use different kits for different sounds depending on the venue and or where I am playing at the time. I really love the tone, durability and feel of the Gretsch. I really just love drums LOL.
(Jacob) Do you all have any hobbies outside of music that help to rejuvenate or inspire creativity within your music?
(Ryan) Being a father as well as working full time, there isn't a lot of time for hobbies. However, I try to find time to go fly fishing, read, play video games, watch ice hockey, and write. I am also a citizen scientist and an amateur astronomer; I love discovering God's beautiful creation and looking in awe over His amazing work!
(Chris) I was actually a Professional Bowler for a few years, so bowling is my favorite hobby, it keeps me in shape besides working out.
(Jacob) Are there any artists that have played a part in influencing the members of your band along with your band's sound?
(Ryan) Tom Scholz from Boston, Joe Bouchard from Blue Oyster Cult, Dave Murray from Iron Maiden, Dave Mustaine from Megadeth, Eddie Van Halen (R.I.P.), Kai Hansen from Helloween, Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple and Rainbow, Michael Sweet from Stryper, David Byron and Mick Box from Uriah Heep, Rudolf Schenker from Scorpions, Ross Valory from Journey, and many, many more.
(Chris) The artist's that have played a part in my life would be Phil Collins, Genesis and solo career, Mike Portnoy formally of Dream Theatre, Neil Peart of Rush (R.I.P.).. These musicians are my biggest influences.
(Jacob) What is the biggest problem that you've have had to overcome as a band?
(Ryan) Myself. I have been by far the biggest problem that I've had to overcome, especially in the early years of the band. My self-doubt, struggle for control instead of letting God be in control has always been a major issue.
(Chris) I want to mention that we had a few losses during the recording and production of this album, Walt DeHaan former manager of the band Winger, our assistant producer on the album passed away during production, it was a great loss for all of us, Ryan lost his Grandfather as well during the recording of the album, it seems like Satan was trying to get in the way of the process, but in the end God did prevail. I'm sure Ryan would have a lot more to add to that question.
(Ryan) Yes, Walt DeHaan was not only the Assistant Producer on the album, but also our Producer Josh DeHaan's father. Walt's mark on this album can be heard all over our songs. I was at my grandfather's funeral when Chris texted me that Walt passed away that same morning... Needless to say, late-July was a very rough time for the band and our friend Josh DeHaan and the DeHaan family. I give a lot of credit to Josh during this time, he showed a lot of fortitude, courage, and strength; whereas I wanted to delay the production of the album because of his father's death, Josh insisted that his father wanted the music to go on. I credit the DeHaan's strong belief in Jesus Christ for the strength they showed.
(Jacob) Can you go into some detail about your musical direction on your latest release 'The Mighty Hand of Yahweh'?
(Ryan) I wanted to do something a little different; I have always been influenced by 70's hard rock and this album certainly gave me an opportunity to reflect that in my songwriting! Initially, the songs that you know from the album, were scattered everywhere in my mind, but I was able to piece the scattered pieces together to form the cohesive songs you know today. I thought that the songs were missing something, but I couldn't figure out what that specifically was. After imagining different instruments over the existing songs, led me to hire a keyboardist (Marco Bravi) who recorded Hammond organ, piano and Church Pipe Organ. This gave the songs a very 70's Hard Rock/Metal feel as well as a more European Epic Metal direction.
(Chris) I believe we tried to stay as true to scripture as possible throughout The Mighty Hand of Yahweh.
(Jacob) Do you feel like you achieved what you set out to accomplish on your latest project?
(Chris) I really do believe that it has been a success, the response that we have gotten is outstanding, in my opinion we have the best fans and followers. Reaching people for Christ is our biggest accomplishment. As long as that happens, we are doing something right.
(Ryan) 100% agreement with Chris on that! God-willing we were able to release a solid, all biblical-themed album, true to scripture! I am thankful that this album has sold well for the record label, because I love supporting the work of Bill Bafford and Roxx Records; he brings a lot of releases to light that would've otherwise been swept aside, ignored.
(Jacob) What is your favorite song to perform, whether live or in studio, and why?
(Ryan) As tough as that one is to answer I would have to say it is a three-way tie between "Christian Battle Cry" off of our debut album, the song "Steel Evangelist" from our sophomore album of the same name and "Worthy Is The Lamb" from our third album "Sanguinary Vivification". Those three songs flow so well and get the blood pumping! Although, from the new album I really love "Joshua" and "Blood-Soaked Waters of Merom"! However, I think that there are going to be some new favorites of mine currently being recorded for our fifth album!
(Chris) That's really a tough one for me, all of the song's are my favorite but if I had to pick one it would be The Burning Ai. Simply because the way I was given free rein on this album was fantastic. Ryan told me that I could have at it and just do my thing, "Thanks Ryan". I love the way it actually is a continuation of the intro to the album, It's just straight forward in your face Metal, changing dynamically throughout the song, hard in the beginning slightly going to a melodic rock beat in the middle of the song then shooting back up to the heavy sound, I just love the feel of that particular song.
(Jacob) Was there any special or funny moments during the recording process of the album?
(Chris) The only moment that I can think of is always trying to wake Ryan up when he kept falling asleep on the couch in the control room.
(Ryan) Yes! If I am comfortable, I am going to fall asleep! As for special moments, I would say the opportunity I got to get to know and befriend Walt DeHaan, I think back to every day that I got to work with him as special. The absolute blessing it has been getting to know and befriend the DeHaan family cannot be overstated, they have made the entire recording process for this album special.
(Jacob) At this time, are you planning to keep moving forward as a band and are there any plans for future projects in the works?
(Ryan) We are currently recording our fifth album, about the Book of Ezekiel called "The House, The Holy, The Third" that we hope (God-willing!) to release in late-Fall, early-Winter 2021! The songs are heavier and extremely fun to play! We can't wait to show everyone when it is done! The title is a direct reference to John 2:19: "Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."
(Chris) I plan on being in True Strength until I just can't play anymore, or I'm sent up to see my Father above. Ryan and I talked about doing an album a year, trying to cover each book of the Bible.
(Jacob) Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses to each and every question. I am excited about this your latest release and am looking forward to hearing more from the band in the future.
(Chris) Thank you Jacob, we appreciate your time and the opportunity for this interview. We appreciate all your readers of Christian Molten Metal. The pleasure is all ours. God Speed to everyone.
(Ryan) Thank you very much, Jacob! We appreciate the time and effort you put into your reviews and interviews! I always wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the way you rate bands (aka The Sword System); quite honestly, it means a lot to us as a band to know that our dedication to Scripture is being recognized and we will always strive for all 6 of those swords because that is how we know we are doing things right! Thank you for this opportunity to speak to your readers, we are deeply humbled for the opportunity to do so! I would like to thank first and foremost, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever. I would also like to thank my family. In addition, I would like to thank Bill Bafford and everyone at Roxx Records and my sponsor Steve Clayton, Inc. for personalized guitar picks and guitar accessories.
Before I go, I always like to share my testimony, salvation story in interviews. I feel like there are some people out there reading this, that need this message of hope, particularly in a difficult year like 2020. I would like to extend an offer to all those out there who may not yet be a believer in Christ but are on the fence: The time to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is now. Don't think you have a lot of years left in your life, no one knows when God will ask you to forfeit your soul. My life before Jesus Christ was a disaster to say the least... I was a womanizer, drunk, full of pride, anger and hatred, if anyone got in my way of my ambitions, I would crush them. I was always chasing after my lustful desires until I couldn't live with the guilt of who I was or what I had done with my life, especially when I realized how many people I had hurt including family and friends.
I was going to commit suicide in the Summer of 2007 by drinking anti-freeze in my parent's garage when the voice of the Lord told me to put down the bottle and go to a nearby mountain that I always loved visiting. When I arrived, I barely had the energy to walk up the seemingly easy trail, crying so many tears that I could barely see. I stopped at a pine tree with a rock that looked like a gravestone underneath it. It was here that I began yelling at God, telling Him to kill me, take away all of the pain. I confessed all that I had ever done to Him and told him that I didn't want to live anymore. I cried harder than I have ever cried before when suddenly I started to feel a great sadness and I began saying that I wanted to live and that I didn't want to die- I was truly scared and lost.
I confessed to Jesus Christ and asked Him to save me. It was then that a large gust of wind surrounded me, nearly drying all my tears from how powerful it was. I then heard a voice in my heart that I believe was the Lord Himself say, "Come, sit under the tree", I hesitated to do so, but I trusted the voice and sat with my back against the gravestone-like rock under it. I then heard the voice tell me to pick the seed pod off of a wild blade of grass or wheat that was in front of me and eat it. When I did the line from John 12:24 "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." spoke to me in my heart. After this I began feeling strength returning to me, then the voice told me, "Rise, Soldier of God!" and I rose and walked down that mountain and I have believed and served the Lord ever since.
Shortly after this, I walked away from my band of five years as well as many friendships. I gave up playing guitar and writing songs because I believed that they were the cause of my sin. After my salvation, God began to repair my relationship with my family as well as friends who I had hurt over the years: Chris Clark (who would become the drummer of True Strength in 2012) and I had a falling out in 2005 when he left that band we were both in, and we had become bitter enemies. In the fall of 2007, I randomly drove to an old record store that I used to frequent and there in the parking lot was his car. I hesitantly went inside the store and we awkwardly greeted each other; I then began telling him about all of the changes in my life and how I found Christ, I began apologizing for all of the wrongs I did to him and he forgave me. After two years of not speaking we were friends again, but that wasn't the end of the story: A couple months later I invited Chris to go to church with me on Christmas, it was there that he renewed his Faith and became a believer in Jesus Christ and he has served him ever since, and the rest is history!
My friends, miracles do happen and my redemption through Jesus Christ is a miracle, I truly believe this. I know I don't deserve forgiveness or the Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ. I was the worst among sinners, I used to be an enemy of God. Now, God uses my talents to glorify Him and to spread His message of the Gospel to thousands. This would not have been possible without the power of Jesus Christ. So please, believe, not for my sake, but for your sake. Remember that no matter what you may have done in your life you can be forgiven through Jesus! I pray in Jesus' name that all of you will be saved! We love you! God bless you all!
Ryan - True Strength
(Jacob) It's so good to finally be having this interview with your band:
(Ryan) First and foremost, a big 'thank you' to you Jacob for this interview! We appreciate the opportunity to speak to all your awesome readers here on Christian Molten Metal!
(Chris) Yes, thank you Jacob for allowing us to do this interview with you! It is our pleasure.
(Jacob) So, can you give us some insight into what got you involved in the music industry and what is the ultimate purpose of the band?
(Ryan) I have been playing professionally since 2001, I got into the music industry for all of the wrong reasons: for women, fame and fortune. My first major band was quite accomplished and had a solid run from 2002 through 2007. But by 2007, I was a complete mess and pretty much at the end of the line... Realizing how many people I had hurt both friends and family, I was going to commit suicide... but God had other plans! I came to Christ in late-Summer, early-Fall 2007 which caused me to quit that band, believing at the time that it was a major source of sin for me. I didn’t play guitar or write songs again for several years. I discovered a lot of Christian metal during these years and I began entertaining the idea of playing and writing music again. Chris Clark, the co-founder, and former drummer of True Strength encouraged me to form a Christian metal band with him, along with encouragement from family and friends, we formed True Strength in October of 2012. The ultimate purpose of True Strength is to Spread the Gospel, Honor God and donate all our portion of the sales of our albums to charity.
(Chris) I've been playing drums now for over 35 years, I also played the saxophone for around 10 years, What struck my interest in music was my Mother, she constantly listened to music all throughout the day, she had purchased me a set of Bongo's at the age of 5, I guess you could say that I've been pounding the skins ever since, there was a brief time that I did put away my sticks, but the feeling of playing music in my body and soul just never subsided. I had to get back in the game. For any musician I'm sure they can relate to what I'm talking about. I truly believe that music heals the soul. Playing live was such a soulful experience, I was hooked! The ultimate purpose of True Strength is serving our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. If we can get the message out to even one person struggling or not struggling, we have served our purpose. There is nothing more satisfying than to get a letter or message from one our fans, letting us know that they have been touched through our music.
(Jacob) Who was the founding member(s) and when did the band officially form?
(Ryan) The founding members of True Strength was myself and former drummer Chris Clark; the band officially formed in 2012.
(Chris) I started with True Strength in late 2019, I couldn't be in a better place with True Strength. It truly feels like family for me.
(Jacob) Can you shed some light on where your band's name came from and what is the meaning behind it?
(Ryan) True Strength's name originates from Psalm 118:14 "The Lord is my strength and my song; he has become my salvation."
(Jacob) What brand of instruments do you all use and why do you prefer that specific brand over another?
(Ryan) I currently play a custom Jackson Dinky 6-string guitar that I used to record on the "Sanguinary Vivification" and "The Mighty Hand of Yahweh" albums. I have used the same Ibanez 4-string bass since the beginning of the band, as well as Jackson 5-string basses. On "The Cross Will Always Prevail" I used a B.C. Rich Warlock 6-string guitar, on "Steel Evangelist" I used a Davison Explorer 6-string guitar. For me, I don't really prefer one brand of instrument over another, I just look for how well the instrument feels (good neck, intonation, weight, frets etc.) as well as tone (pickups). I have always used heavier gauged strings and guitar picks.
(Chris) My sticks are produced by Clayton USA. They are 5A custom sticks that are durable yet lightweight for faster response. I generally use Gretsch Drums Catalina Club 7 piece. Evans EC2 coated drumheads. Evans EC Reverse Dot Snare head. Sabian AAX cymbals. Pearl Export Series 12 piece in the studio. Tama Superstar 7 piece for touring, Ludwig Element 5 piece for practice. DW 7000 Bass drum pedals, Girbralter hardware for stands. I tend to use different kits for different sounds depending on the venue and or where I am playing at the time. I really love the tone, durability and feel of the Gretsch. I really just love drums LOL.
(Jacob) Do you all have any hobbies outside of music that help to rejuvenate or inspire creativity within your music?
(Ryan) Being a father as well as working full time, there isn't a lot of time for hobbies. However, I try to find time to go fly fishing, read, play video games, watch ice hockey, and write. I am also a citizen scientist and an amateur astronomer; I love discovering God's beautiful creation and looking in awe over His amazing work!
(Chris) I was actually a Professional Bowler for a few years, so bowling is my favorite hobby, it keeps me in shape besides working out.
(Jacob) Are there any artists that have played a part in influencing the members of your band along with your band's sound?
(Ryan) Tom Scholz from Boston, Joe Bouchard from Blue Oyster Cult, Dave Murray from Iron Maiden, Dave Mustaine from Megadeth, Eddie Van Halen (R.I.P.), Kai Hansen from Helloween, Jon Schaffer from Iced Earth, Ritchie Blackmore from Deep Purple and Rainbow, Michael Sweet from Stryper, David Byron and Mick Box from Uriah Heep, Rudolf Schenker from Scorpions, Ross Valory from Journey, and many, many more.
(Chris) The artist's that have played a part in my life would be Phil Collins, Genesis and solo career, Mike Portnoy formally of Dream Theatre, Neil Peart of Rush (R.I.P.).. These musicians are my biggest influences.
(Jacob) What is the biggest problem that you've have had to overcome as a band?
(Ryan) Myself. I have been by far the biggest problem that I've had to overcome, especially in the early years of the band. My self-doubt, struggle for control instead of letting God be in control has always been a major issue.
(Chris) I want to mention that we had a few losses during the recording and production of this album, Walt DeHaan former manager of the band Winger, our assistant producer on the album passed away during production, it was a great loss for all of us, Ryan lost his Grandfather as well during the recording of the album, it seems like Satan was trying to get in the way of the process, but in the end God did prevail. I'm sure Ryan would have a lot more to add to that question.
(Ryan) Yes, Walt DeHaan was not only the Assistant Producer on the album, but also our Producer Josh DeHaan's father. Walt's mark on this album can be heard all over our songs. I was at my grandfather's funeral when Chris texted me that Walt passed away that same morning... Needless to say, late-July was a very rough time for the band and our friend Josh DeHaan and the DeHaan family. I give a lot of credit to Josh during this time, he showed a lot of fortitude, courage, and strength; whereas I wanted to delay the production of the album because of his father's death, Josh insisted that his father wanted the music to go on. I credit the DeHaan's strong belief in Jesus Christ for the strength they showed.
(Jacob) Can you go into some detail about your musical direction on your latest release 'The Mighty Hand of Yahweh'?
(Ryan) I wanted to do something a little different; I have always been influenced by 70's hard rock and this album certainly gave me an opportunity to reflect that in my songwriting! Initially, the songs that you know from the album, were scattered everywhere in my mind, but I was able to piece the scattered pieces together to form the cohesive songs you know today. I thought that the songs were missing something, but I couldn't figure out what that specifically was. After imagining different instruments over the existing songs, led me to hire a keyboardist (Marco Bravi) who recorded Hammond organ, piano and Church Pipe Organ. This gave the songs a very 70's Hard Rock/Metal feel as well as a more European Epic Metal direction.
(Chris) I believe we tried to stay as true to scripture as possible throughout The Mighty Hand of Yahweh.
(Jacob) Do you feel like you achieved what you set out to accomplish on your latest project?
(Chris) I really do believe that it has been a success, the response that we have gotten is outstanding, in my opinion we have the best fans and followers. Reaching people for Christ is our biggest accomplishment. As long as that happens, we are doing something right.
(Ryan) 100% agreement with Chris on that! God-willing we were able to release a solid, all biblical-themed album, true to scripture! I am thankful that this album has sold well for the record label, because I love supporting the work of Bill Bafford and Roxx Records; he brings a lot of releases to light that would've otherwise been swept aside, ignored.
(Jacob) What is your favorite song to perform, whether live or in studio, and why?
(Ryan) As tough as that one is to answer I would have to say it is a three-way tie between "Christian Battle Cry" off of our debut album, the song "Steel Evangelist" from our sophomore album of the same name and "Worthy Is The Lamb" from our third album "Sanguinary Vivification". Those three songs flow so well and get the blood pumping! Although, from the new album I really love "Joshua" and "Blood-Soaked Waters of Merom"! However, I think that there are going to be some new favorites of mine currently being recorded for our fifth album!
(Chris) That's really a tough one for me, all of the song's are my favorite but if I had to pick one it would be The Burning Ai. Simply because the way I was given free rein on this album was fantastic. Ryan told me that I could have at it and just do my thing, "Thanks Ryan". I love the way it actually is a continuation of the intro to the album, It's just straight forward in your face Metal, changing dynamically throughout the song, hard in the beginning slightly going to a melodic rock beat in the middle of the song then shooting back up to the heavy sound, I just love the feel of that particular song.
(Jacob) Was there any special or funny moments during the recording process of the album?
(Chris) The only moment that I can think of is always trying to wake Ryan up when he kept falling asleep on the couch in the control room.
(Ryan) Yes! If I am comfortable, I am going to fall asleep! As for special moments, I would say the opportunity I got to get to know and befriend Walt DeHaan, I think back to every day that I got to work with him as special. The absolute blessing it has been getting to know and befriend the DeHaan family cannot be overstated, they have made the entire recording process for this album special.
(Jacob) At this time, are you planning to keep moving forward as a band and are there any plans for future projects in the works?
(Ryan) We are currently recording our fifth album, about the Book of Ezekiel called "The House, The Holy, The Third" that we hope (God-willing!) to release in late-Fall, early-Winter 2021! The songs are heavier and extremely fun to play! We can't wait to show everyone when it is done! The title is a direct reference to John 2:19: "Jesus answered them, "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days."
(Chris) I plan on being in True Strength until I just can't play anymore, or I'm sent up to see my Father above. Ryan and I talked about doing an album a year, trying to cover each book of the Bible.
(Jacob) Thank you for your time and thoughtful responses to each and every question. I am excited about this your latest release and am looking forward to hearing more from the band in the future.
(Chris) Thank you Jacob, we appreciate your time and the opportunity for this interview. We appreciate all your readers of Christian Molten Metal. The pleasure is all ours. God Speed to everyone.
(Ryan) Thank you very much, Jacob! We appreciate the time and effort you put into your reviews and interviews! I always wanted to tell you how much I appreciate the way you rate bands (aka The Sword System); quite honestly, it means a lot to us as a band to know that our dedication to Scripture is being recognized and we will always strive for all 6 of those swords because that is how we know we are doing things right! Thank you for this opportunity to speak to your readers, we are deeply humbled for the opportunity to do so! I would like to thank first and foremost, my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ who lives and reigns forever. I would also like to thank my family. In addition, I would like to thank Bill Bafford and everyone at Roxx Records and my sponsor Steve Clayton, Inc. for personalized guitar picks and guitar accessories.
Before I go, I always like to share my testimony, salvation story in interviews. I feel like there are some people out there reading this, that need this message of hope, particularly in a difficult year like 2020. I would like to extend an offer to all those out there who may not yet be a believer in Christ but are on the fence: The time to believe in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is now. Don't think you have a lot of years left in your life, no one knows when God will ask you to forfeit your soul. My life before Jesus Christ was a disaster to say the least... I was a womanizer, drunk, full of pride, anger and hatred, if anyone got in my way of my ambitions, I would crush them. I was always chasing after my lustful desires until I couldn't live with the guilt of who I was or what I had done with my life, especially when I realized how many people I had hurt including family and friends.
I was going to commit suicide in the Summer of 2007 by drinking anti-freeze in my parent's garage when the voice of the Lord told me to put down the bottle and go to a nearby mountain that I always loved visiting. When I arrived, I barely had the energy to walk up the seemingly easy trail, crying so many tears that I could barely see. I stopped at a pine tree with a rock that looked like a gravestone underneath it. It was here that I began yelling at God, telling Him to kill me, take away all of the pain. I confessed all that I had ever done to Him and told him that I didn't want to live anymore. I cried harder than I have ever cried before when suddenly I started to feel a great sadness and I began saying that I wanted to live and that I didn't want to die- I was truly scared and lost.
I confessed to Jesus Christ and asked Him to save me. It was then that a large gust of wind surrounded me, nearly drying all my tears from how powerful it was. I then heard a voice in my heart that I believe was the Lord Himself say, "Come, sit under the tree", I hesitated to do so, but I trusted the voice and sat with my back against the gravestone-like rock under it. I then heard the voice tell me to pick the seed pod off of a wild blade of grass or wheat that was in front of me and eat it. When I did the line from John 12:24 "Very truly I tell you, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds." spoke to me in my heart. After this I began feeling strength returning to me, then the voice told me, "Rise, Soldier of God!" and I rose and walked down that mountain and I have believed and served the Lord ever since.
Shortly after this, I walked away from my band of five years as well as many friendships. I gave up playing guitar and writing songs because I believed that they were the cause of my sin. After my salvation, God began to repair my relationship with my family as well as friends who I had hurt over the years: Chris Clark (who would become the drummer of True Strength in 2012) and I had a falling out in 2005 when he left that band we were both in, and we had become bitter enemies. In the fall of 2007, I randomly drove to an old record store that I used to frequent and there in the parking lot was his car. I hesitantly went inside the store and we awkwardly greeted each other; I then began telling him about all of the changes in my life and how I found Christ, I began apologizing for all of the wrongs I did to him and he forgave me. After two years of not speaking we were friends again, but that wasn't the end of the story: A couple months later I invited Chris to go to church with me on Christmas, it was there that he renewed his Faith and became a believer in Jesus Christ and he has served him ever since, and the rest is history!
My friends, miracles do happen and my redemption through Jesus Christ is a miracle, I truly believe this. I know I don't deserve forgiveness or the Grace and Mercy of Jesus Christ. I was the worst among sinners, I used to be an enemy of God. Now, God uses my talents to glorify Him and to spread His message of the Gospel to thousands. This would not have been possible without the power of Jesus Christ. So please, believe, not for my sake, but for your sake. Remember that no matter what you may have done in your life you can be forgiven through Jesus! I pray in Jesus' name that all of you will be saved! We love you! God bless you all!
Ryan - True Strength