Supresion hails from Bariloche, Argentina where they deliver up some of the hardest hitting thrash to be had. Supresion formed back in 2007 with original members Nicolás Krzyslowski(lead guitar), Darío Antón (drums), Gustavo Ojeda(bass), and Lucas Aravena(guitar/voice). In 2008, Drummer-Darío Antón left the band and was replaced by Drummer/Vocalist-Ernesto Guajardo. Then their was another change to the band as Bassist Gustavo Ojeda decided to leave. Even though the band was without a bass player, they moved on and recorded a demo titled “Invierno Tóxico” which in English is (Toxic Winter). Shortly thereafter, Supresion began touring Argentina's towns, cities, and providences. In 2010 Supresion released a 4 track EP titled “La Guerra Comenzó” which in English means "The War Began". With this 2010 EP release the band was now ready to tour internationally where they performed in Chile, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Peru. Then around 2012, the band received a new Bassist-Alejandro López who helped to further round the band's sound out. In 2013, the band released their debut full length album titled 'Exterminio Emergente'. This resulted in a long and extended tour that was divided in three phases. The first included 5 countries, starting with Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, Brazil, Bolivia and ending in Peru. The second phase included Colombia and Ecuador, performing again in Bolivia and Peru. The final phase concluded the tour around different areas of Brazil. During this touring in 2014, Bassist-Alejandro López left and was replaced by Bassist-AJ Takashi who was previously with the band(Perpetual Faith).
Supresion has been at it since 2007 and have a number of releases to their credit which includes demos, a compilation, an EP, and two full length albums as we can see here:
Supresion has been at it since 2007 and have a number of releases to their credit which includes demos, a compilation, an EP, and two full length albums as we can see here:
'Invierno Tóxico' Demo-2009
'Thrash Slash Vol. 2' Slpit-2009
'La Guerra Comenzó' 4 track EP-2010
'Invierno Tóxico'/ La Guerra Comenzó' Compilation-2010
'Exterminio Emergente' Full-Length Debut-2013
'Emerging Extermination' Full-Length Debut-2015
'Thrash Slash Vol. 2' Slpit-2009
'La Guerra Comenzó' 4 track EP-2010
'Invierno Tóxico'/ La Guerra Comenzó' Compilation-2010
'Exterminio Emergente' Full-Length Debut-2013
'Emerging Extermination' Full-Length Debut-2015
In 2015, Supresion released their full-length album titled 'Emerging Extermination' which is the English version of their 2013 release 'Exterminio Emergente'. This 2015 album was released on an Independent label however, the production is top of the line. There's nothing weak about the band or their musical arrangements and what we find is that these thrashers come out firing on all cylinders.
You might be asking yourself, "What exactly is it about Thrash music that Metal Heads like so much? Well, I believe it's the combination of everything from riff repetition mixed with an abundance of time changes. Then there's the punishing Thrash riffs that ever so cleverly convert to Speed Metal furry. Also, it's the pure rawness of the drum work with its varying skin pounding methods. Furthermore, Thrash offers up a break or a diversion from other genres of Metal/Rock music. In addition, there are times when one just simply desires to listen to something heavier than what they normally listen to which will pick them up and slam them down on the floor until it hurts. Then there's a strong attention to solos throughout most Thrash albums where one can catch a break from the Vocals and focus more on the instrumental work. Finally, there is the Vocal work that appeals to the listener due to the way it breaks the rules of other Metal genres by offering up a delivery that is different from the norm.
You might be asking yourself, "What exactly is it about Thrash music that Metal Heads like so much? Well, I believe it's the combination of everything from riff repetition mixed with an abundance of time changes. Then there's the punishing Thrash riffs that ever so cleverly convert to Speed Metal furry. Also, it's the pure rawness of the drum work with its varying skin pounding methods. Furthermore, Thrash offers up a break or a diversion from other genres of Metal/Rock music. In addition, there are times when one just simply desires to listen to something heavier than what they normally listen to which will pick them up and slam them down on the floor until it hurts. Then there's a strong attention to solos throughout most Thrash albums where one can catch a break from the Vocals and focus more on the instrumental work. Finally, there is the Vocal work that appeals to the listener due to the way it breaks the rules of other Metal genres by offering up a delivery that is different from the norm.
Vocals are well executed by Lucas Aravena who has a noticeably distinguished Death Vocal delivery. With that said, it is easier to understand the lyrics that Lucas is trying to convey in comparison to other Death Metal Vocalist especially after a few follow-alongs using the enclosed lyric sheet.
The axe is handled by our front man Lucas Aravena who knows how to light up a guitar and deliver some blistering riffs. The guitar work moves between traditional Thrash riffs & Speed Metal.
Our percussion department is comprised of AJ Takashi on the Bass and Ernesto "Erni" Guajardo on the kit. AJ does a fine job of filling in the gaps where there isn't a second guitarist and Ernesto simply lays down some sick drum lines along with some killer traditional hammer-pounding techniques to round out Supresion's sound.
The following are the lyrics to the album so that you can understand, a little better, what he is singing. The lyrics are Christ centered and show that the band is trying to serve our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ.
Our percussion department is comprised of AJ Takashi on the Bass and Ernesto "Erni" Guajardo on the kit. AJ does a fine job of filling in the gaps where there isn't a second guitarist and Ernesto simply lays down some sick drum lines along with some killer traditional hammer-pounding techniques to round out Supresion's sound.
The following are the lyrics to the album so that you can understand, a little better, what he is singing. The lyrics are Christ centered and show that the band is trying to serve our Lord and Savior-Jesus Christ.
"Darkness Retreat"
It was night they were there! For an instance didn't know what to do Suddenly I couldn't move Evil beings, evil creatures My head was about to explode They closed my mouth. I couldn't talk When I could finally comprehend It wasn't a dream. It was reality Now I stood my ground Terror no longer ruled Its power reduces to nothing Stay away from this place! Lucifer, prince of darkness Your time is near Your sentence has been set Your time is over Strongholds begin to break Our spirit is higher Everything is under one authority My superior commander Legions of hell cannot move forward I hold them in the name of Jesus The blood of the lamb overcame //Darkness Retreat// I hear chains breaking |
"I Don't Care"
Traveling the narrow path by my own choice I'm neither ashamed nor afraid to tell you What I am, I don't listen to words Product of your ignorance My goal is clear, the struggle is constant My guide is reliable, I do not look back Do not back by anything or anyone Christ lives in me And I do not care about your opinion Christ lives in me, I don't care what they say For what You did for me I will follow You Because of that blood in the cross I will follow You |
"War Is Beginning"
Thousands of fallen bodies- I see around me They are fallen ones- prisoners of fear and horror Everything is destruction! I continue my way Dodging the bullets of the enemy I can see far it is one of mine Without lowering the arms has never surrendered We will continue to stand! - we will not be beaten Victory is ours - Someone already won The price was the blood of the One who saved my life From my friend that for saving me His life He gave From my friend who still lives in my heart |
(Universal Lie, Universal Scam) Walking you go in your limousine Looking forward the tithe ending a month Profiting with faith and hope With whoever's hope that wants to follow Stealing from those who don't have Selling them a solution Whited sepulchers, men without compassion They go littering the name of God Sects in progress continue to evolve Within this society these liars that annihilate people No one can stop them /Uneversal Lie - Universal Scam/ /Servants of satan! Slaves of evil Their lies are going to end/ |
Witchcraft in the local cemetery Invocation of the dead Noises heard at night they are dirty voodoo drums Occultism forces Unclean blood rituals Their powers are limited Puppets of satan We closed a covenant forever With the Father of Spirit We ate His flesh We drank His blood A power was given to us Authority in His name Possessed by His light We will establish His kingdom |
Death walks by The end is near Weapons are ready Wars have are beginning / Pain and Suffering / And will lead to catastrophe The time has come Sirens are heard Many disappear Now the beast reigns Woe to those who do not repent! |
"Toxic Winter"
/ The Earth is in danger by pollution forest and rivers, seas and lakes / Factory and multinational industries Nuclear weapons, radioactivity Snow is green, mutant men - Toxic Winter Snow is green, mutant men - Toxic Winter The clouds are black, rain is acid - Toxic winter The clouds are black, rain is acid - Toxic winter Global warming! Unconsciousness!! Natural Devastation of creation Global warming! Unconsciousness!! Natural Devastation of creation Toxic Winter |
"Crossing The Narrow Path"
Crossing the narrow path Every day is even harder The battle is endless The enemy rises again / Identify your enemy He will not forgive you / The weapons have been Delivered to us Together we will See him die / Identify your enemy He will not forgive you / Stand on your feet For the last time Few will reach the end Bodies are piled Don't be one of them / Identify your enemy He will not forgive you / |
"Final Time"
When death comes after you You will not have excuses, time is over Look for Christ while He may be found Do not waste time, it's your salvation Can't you see that I am the creator of life? I have the keys to the gates of hell Black voices come to your mind proclaiming your self-destruction Do not listen to their lies They just want to deceive your mind your heart and soul. Can't you see that they are deceiving your mind? For you not see reality The price was paid with blood for you to have another chance |
" Voice That Cries"
The voice of one crying in the wilderness Prepare the way of the Lord Straighten your paths Every valley will be filled And every mountain and every hill is down And the crooked ways They will be straighten And the rough ways smooth And all flesh will see the salvation of God / He will send His Angels about you to keep you / |
"Total Thrashing"
Esforzandote por armar tres estrofas Con esa forma tan toxica de pensar Elogiando el acostumbrase aduenarse de lo ajeno. Tu mensaje se repite todo el dia en la radio Vaciano cerebras ajenos. El control de las mazas crecientes Se refleja en la sociedad, falta de un ideal. Nosotros tenemos la mirada en lo eterno y vamos marchado hacia el frente. Unidos como hermanos denunciando las mentiras y lo impuesto por la sociedad Junto al thrash esta mi mensaje no te acomodes ni te relajes La falsedad no esta en este viaje si la hermandad sin caretaje. / Ni modas, ni drogas, ni falsos, ni fachos, Si a la amistad verdadera Thrash, Crossover, y Hardcore / |
If you are into old school Thrash like Tourniquet or Ultimatum then procuring a copy of 'Emerging Extermination' is a must!
Lucas Aravena-Vocals/Guitars (2007-present)
AJ Takashi-Bass (2014-present)
Ernesto "Erni" Guajardo-Drums/backing Vocals (2007-present)
Lucas Aravena-Vocals/Guitars (2007-present)
AJ Takashi-Bass (2014-present)
Ernesto "Erni" Guajardo-Drums/backing Vocals (2007-present)